The British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS) was founded in the late 1980s to support, promote and further Korean Studies in the United Kingdom. BAKS stimulates teaching and research on any aspect of Korea by hosting academic events and by publishing the peer-reviewed journal European Journal of Korean Studies, formerly Papers of the British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS Papers). BAKS also administers two scholarships: The British Korean Veterans Association/Samsung Undergraduate Study Year Abroad Bursary and The British Korean Veterans Association/Samsung Post-Graduate Scholarship to Study in Korea.
The BAKS Council is composed of academics, museum curators, librarians and members of the British Foreign Office with strong, long-standing interests in Korea.
A full list of the volumes and articles published in BAKS Papers and the European Journal of Korean Studies may be found here.
Information on past BAKS events may be found here.
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